Ban Transparency

I was banned from participating in game jams by moderators after submitting my game to the GMTK Game Jam 2021. As my game is a constant experience of multiple game jam entries, so the game constantly changes on different game design challenges, and as the GMTK Game Jam did not contain a lot of rules about, and I was following the Joined Together theme, I thought it would be possible to submit as well. I thought wrong, it was a painful step. A flurry of disparaging comments from the GMTK community and many complaints/reports/flags.

I appealed with several emails to the administration which, despite being slow, reverted my ban after a few months. Unfortunately they erased all my game jam participation data such as ratings and comments, which was a bit frustrating.

Now I think that experimental games with multiple entries in game jams are not well accepted in the current idie dev paradigm, which is a great misfortune. There is also a standard type of game jam game that is more accepted, which I’ve tried to overcome with game design here.

Attached are the emails exchanged with the administration. I disclose promoting transparency so that other developers are aware of their own performance here at, especially when proposing certain “combobreaks”.

Files Ban Transparency - emails 129 kB
Sep 24, 2021

Get Hulamameco

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